-為甚麼選擇PRISTER ?-

PRISTER嵌入了創始人許佩珊女士(PRIScilla)和許文俊先生(TERrence)兩人的名字。 兩位創始人生於玩具廠世家,其父母早年已開始設計和生產一系列具創新功能的教育玩具,因此兩位姊弟從小時候便成為了「玩具測試專員」,為家族企業試玩新產品,渡過了一個愉快的童年,長大後,他們也希望將玩具的樂趣傳遞給每一位小朋友。「玩出未來」正正是PRISTER 公司的經營理念,他們相信從遊戲中學習更有助提升小朋友的學習效能。



"PLAY is the highest form of RESEARCH"-Albert Einstein

-Why PRISTER ? -

  • PRISTER的願景


  • PRISTER的價值


  • PRISTER的使命


-Words from the founder-

I have been a "toy tester" since I was a child, and my parents would bring the toys they developed to me, so that I could experience the joy brought by the toys and evaluate the quality of the toys. I am often curious about the structure of the toys, so I disassemble them and study them. I am afraid that my parents will scold me for breaking the toys. Every time I try my best to restore the toys. Perhaps it is the toys that brought me a special childhood. I have always hoped to bring toys and happiness to every child. I believe that during play, children can develop their infinite potential and learn more knowledge that is not mentioned in textbooks.

My brother and I established PRISTER in 2017 with the hope of realizing my ideal. At an event, a mother asked me, "Can your product allow my child to get 100 marks?" I was stunned at the moment. Is the growth of children only learning? As a mother of two children, I can't deny the importance of schoolwork, but that's not all. I want my children to know that their mother loves them, values them, and provides them with a caring environment. Compared with grades, I care more about the children's character, establishing correct values, and exploring more unknown things.

Our courses may not give your children full marks, but they will definitely train them to be PRISTER people!

-Our milestone-

  • Over 140 report from media

  • Held over 350 workshop in Hong Kong

  • Provide innovative education services to over 120,000 student

  • Partnered with 170 schools

  • General agent on eight brand

  • 90 online and offline channel of distribution